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The catalog component of our architecture uses a MySQL database as its storage backend. The way in which the way the catalog API is currently deployed uses a database deployed as a Pod in the EKS cluster.

You can see this by running the following command:

~$kubectl -n catalog get pod
NAME                              READY   STATUS    RESTARTS        AGE
catalog-5d7fc9d8f-xm4hs             1/1     Running   0               14m
catalog-mysql-0                     1/1     Running   0               14m

In the case above, the Pod catalog-mysql-0 is a MySQL Pod. We can verify our catalog application is using this by inspecting its environment:

~$kubectl -n catalog exec deployment/catalog -- env \

We want to migrate our application to use the fully managed Amazon RDS service in order to take full advantage of the scale and reliability it offers.