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Updating an application

Now we can use Argo CD and Kustomize to deploy patches to our application manifests using GitOps

For example, lets increase the number of replicas for ui deployment to 3

You can execute commands to add necessary changes to the file apps/deployment.yaml:

~$yq -i '.spec.replicas = 3' ~/environment/argocd/apps/deployment.yaml

Push changes to the Git repository

~$git -C ~/environment/argocd add .
~$git -C ~/environment/argocd commit -am "Update UI service replicas"
~$git -C ~/environment/argocd push

Click Refresh and Sync in ArgoCD UI or use argocd CLI to Sync the application:

~$argocd app sync apps

We should have now 3 pods in ui deployment


To verify, run the following commands:

~$kubectl get deployment -n ui ui
ui     3/3     3            3           3m33s
~$kubectl get pod -n ui
NAME                 READY   STATUS    RESTARTS   AGE
ui-6d5bb7b95-hzmgp   1/1     Running   0          61s
ui-6d5bb7b95-j28ww   1/1     Running   0          61s
ui-6d5bb7b95-rjfxd   1/1     Running   0          3m34s